Sunday, June 20, 2010

Supplementation Part I

Not often will you hear me go on a rant about which supplements to take. Heck, not often will you hear me mention anything about the nutritional products I endorse. Why, you ask? Mainly because the area of supplementation can get very tricky and very confusing at the same time. However I thought I'd spend a small amount of time covering some pure basics.

First and foremost, let me say that the majority of my readers are women therefore the majority of this content will apply to them (sorry fellas, but my Momma always said "ladies first"). At the very least a high quality multivitamin should be a front line supplement that both men and women should take faithfully. None of us will ever get all the nutrients we need from the food in the fridge no matter how good your diet is. I would also recommend that you stay away from vitamins in tablet form since these are the hardest for your body to breakdown and absorb. If you are not taking some form of multivitamin I suggest you start now.

Another supplement that is a staple to optimum health and fitness would be protein. Understand this, protein comes in various sources but the superior choice is whey protein. Protein will help you maximize muscle gains (no ladies, you will not look like a man if you consume too much protein) and speed muscle recovery. The problem with protein is that many are concerned with consuming a certain amount when in fact the focus should be on how much is consumed in the bloodstream.

Whey protein is the fastest digesting protein there is - this is also why most people choose whey protein as their post workout supplement. A person should consume .15 - .25 grams of protein per pound of body weight post workout. Whey protein can also be used before a workout as well to provide the energy needed to endure the intensity of the workout.

That's all for tonight, or should I say this morning....It's 1:42am and my eyes are heavy. I will resume this post tomorrow...

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