Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And You Wonder Why....

Still struggling with the idea that the scale hasn't shown you the results you desire? Maybe one of these days you will take advice from someone who has extended education in this area. Or are you waiting for the weight loss media giants to state the real facts?

Look, we've been through this before and quite honestly it really is getting old. For the last time, not eating or not eating enough solves absolutely nothing. Who cares that you started working out this year and you have been consistent with it! And to think that if you eat less that will help, HA! Seriously?

Your body requires a set number of calories just to cover your basal metabolic rate (BMR) just to function. Let me stress that this does NOT include exercise nor daily activity - only living, breathing, and sitting on the couch. I've said it before and will break it down again, if you eat less then yes you will loose weight but trust me it's not the weight you really want gone.

Eating less does one or all three of the following: you loose water, you loose muscle, and you loose very little fat. Not eating causes several things to happen. Your body will begin to go into survival mode and survives by eating your muscle, thus storing fat because that's how it can survive the longest. Do you really think your body knows that your goal is to loose fat? Heck no, it wants you to survive so it seeks a way to preserve itself by using muscle for energy.

As your body continues to catabolize itself, muscle is eliminated and the body is then able to survive off of fewer calories. This is exactly why fad diets do not work for permanent fat loss. Starving your body puts you in a very unhealthy state and drives you to the quickest energy source it needs to survive - sugar and fat (and you wonder why you don't want to eat healthy foods). It is vital that you take yourself out of this phase by stop starving yourself and eliminate the sugar.

If you are loosing weight and the primary loss is muscle, the loss will be very short lived and unhealthy for you body. You need muscle to allow your body to burn more calories throughout the day. Throw your scale out the window and stop relying on it to determine you fat loss. Get your body fat checked and have it checked monthly. Lastly if you see the scale rise or remain the same and you have been eating properly with exercise, know that your body is adding the muscle it needs to burn out the unwanted fat.

Will you continue to rely on the scale or will you do something different now?

1 comment:

  1. If it wasn't for my personal trainer, I would probably be weighing in at about 240 lbs by now. I started just before Christmas of 2009 and I have already lost over 20 lbs and I'm down to 204 lbs.

    Thanks Mel, your doing a great job!
