Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where's the Fat?...

Recently a client asked me, "where does the fat go when you loose weight?" While I gave him the short answer I thought it would be a good topic to discuss with anyone who might be interested. Besides if I'm not writing about the things that interest you the most, then why am I writing in the first place.

It's all too common that many of us would agree that losing 5-10 pounds, possibly more for some, isn't a bad idea. So let's learn some basics so that all of this stuff makes sense. First, we are all born with a predetermined number of fat cells. With the exception of liposuction, this number will not decrease although it is very possible that it can increase.

Even though the fat cells do not increase, the size of the cells can and will increase. We all need body fat to coat and insulate our organs and to do other bodily functions like provide energy. The fat cells will store this energy as triglycerides (fancy term for fat). Therefore the cell will increase or decrease depending upon on filled it is.

When you energy needs are higher than your caloric intake, your body will turn to fat as an energy source. Your body will release hormones and enzymes that tell your fat cells to release fat from storage. Triglycerides are then broken down to free fatty acids (FFA's) and glycerol through a complex process. From here your muscles, liver, and kidneys are fueled from the FFA's via your bloodstream.

Heat is generated from all of this and is used to maintain your body temperature. Carbon dioxide and water are the waste products from this complex chemical process. By now I'm sure you guessed what happens next, you excrete the water through sweat and urine and the carbon dioxide through the air you exhale.

Make note that I am not saying you sweat, pee, or breathe out the fat. That is simply a byproduct of the chemical process your body goes through when the fat is released from fat cells and released into your bloodstream to be used by the muscles, kidney, and liver.

For some reason I want to go for a jog, what about you?

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