Friday, January 1, 2010

Learn This to Achieve Success This New Year...

Congratulations people! We have made it to 2010, set new goals, and made resolutions to change in areas where we lacked discipline, self control, or even knowledge. At least that is what most people have done on or should I say that is what most people are planning to do.

By far the most common New Year's resolution is to loose weight, in conjunction with exercising more and eating healthier. However the problem with this is often there is no real motivation. I doubt your physician told you to set this goal as of January 1, 2010 or you wouldn't live past the first week of the year. If my assumption is correct, and this assumes you go to your doctor on a regular basis, I'm sure he/she has been telling you to get in control of your health. All things being true, then there is no real motivation to set this goal as of January 1 regardless of it being 2010, 2011, or any year after that.

But since you say you're serious this time around, as if you didn't say that previous years, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to attempt to make the process a little easier for you by providing information that if actually used will truly assist you in your efforts. Are you ready?

Don't depend on calories to assist you with fat loss. In fact, don't concern yourself a whole lot with calories this year. Take 2010 to focus on nutrients. Your body could care less about getting calories in. What your body really wants you to do is provide it with nutrients. Ahh! There's a word we don't see much - nutrients! It's such a profound word I had to say it again.

Here's the skinny, all foods contain nutrients in some proportion or another and those nutrients provide energy to the body in the form of calories. So what I'm saying is from a caloric standpoint, 2000 calories will always be 2000 calories regardless of where they come from. Unfortunately this is only a simplistic view.

Just because protein and carbs both carry 4 calories per gram doesn't mean they have the same physiological effect on the body. Generally we can determine what goes on in the body based on the amounts and proportions of the different nutrients being consumed. The body doesn't crave calories, it craves nutrients. It is essential to have 4-6 balanced meals per day simply due to the nutritional content of those meals. While it may seem like a lot of food, it really isn't.

This year will be all about satiety - feeling of fullness. Have you ever had a large meal (burger, fries, and a coke - easily 1000 calories) and 2 hours later wanted something else? Either it was something sweet or another meal. The reason for this is none of those foods have satiating power. When you decide to go on a diet, reduce calories, watch what you eat, or whatever terminology you use, did you ever consider the satiating power of your food?

What I mean is are you eating foods that will help you remain fuller longer or are you eating the same foods but less of it? To obtain this feeling of fullness you should consume foods that are high in protein, dietary fiber, fruits, vegetables, and water. Bakery foods like cakes, cookies, croissants, biscuits, white bread, and high fat foods all have the lowest satiating power.

Although they have the same amount of calories per gram, proteins help control hunger much longer than carbohydrates while fats have the weakest effects of satiety. This probably accounts for the capacity of a high fat diet (what America is on right now) to lead to passive over-eating, which results in weight gain.

I want to challenge you to take this information and put it to use now - besides, this is part of the New Year resolution right? Eat a large order of fries from McDonald's and drink only water. Record how long it takes for you to want to eat and if you felt full. Then eat only a sandwich with 3 ounces of turkey breast and a piece of fruit with water. For the record the fries will carry roughly 160 more calories but will lack the nutrients of the second meal.

Take the challenge and if what I have said isn't true call me out on it. Here's to your health and a wonderful New Year!

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