Monday, December 28, 2009

Are Wii Fit Now....

When I decided to take on fitness training as my full time career option, I never thought my competition would come in the form of an video game. I understand people want variety, a change of pace, or even something more fun. Yet I never thought that cry for change would resort to the Japanese based video game - Nintendo Wii Fit (or Fit Plus if you've advanced past the original).

According to Wikipedia, Wii Fit is the second highest selling video game sold in history with 22.5 million copies sold as of October 30, 2009. I have one word - wow! To make matters worse, this past holiday season my jaw dropped as I noticed people drool and praise the Wii Fit Plus game. As if a video game is truly going to make a difference in the problem we have with overweight people and obesity.

Maybe I sound jealous or maybe I'm a bit perturbed, either way you're right by your assumption. It bothers me that people are still looking for the easy way out or a quick fix. Had I not purchased the original Wii Fit then maybe I wouldn't have such a strong opinion. However, I have played it and let me say it wasn't so fun.

These are merely my thoughts on how as a society we get hypnotized by the hype. I'm not discrediting Nintendo totally. In fact, I'm not discrediting them at all. I think what they did was brilliant. People buy hype and that's exactly what was created. Hype in the arena of fitness that's dubbed as fun, interactive, easy, and new (we all love new, right?).

From fad diets to infomercials promoting groundbreaking fitness equipment, we often fall into the traps of the developers. One day people will wake up and realize that if we want to be fit we have to go old school - eat healthier and exercise!

When was the last time you tried a diet or purchased exercise equipment seen on television?

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