Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fat as an Energy Source...

Everyone wants to know how they can burn more fat. Yet those same individuals struggle with doing the necessary things to achieve this. Well to be honest, there are multiple ways you can burn fat. However, one of the simplest is understanding how the body processes food and your sugar levels.

Look at it this way, when you eat your body will use that food as a source of energy. If you want to burn fat this makes it more complicated for the body to do when your blood sugar has been elevated by the food you just consumed. From this we can conclude that it will be better to burn fat more effectively if there is minimal food energy within the body.

I have always suggested people exercise first thing in the morning but before eating. Your body has basically fasted for the night and at this time your body has the lowest level of blood sugar for the day. Normally at this time it take the body 10-15 of continuous exercise to tap into it's fat burning mode. This is achieved by elevating the heart rate. Now I don't mean getting to the point of running like an Olympic sprinter. A brisk walk will do it for most people. If you overdo it, you will begin to use muscle as a fuel source and that's not what you want.

As I mentioned earlier this is not the only way to burn fat but it is a simple way. Many of my clients have achieved great results from doing 30-45 minutes of walking combined with some basic healthy eating, and exercise.

I would recommend you invest in a $40 heart rate monitor and keep your heart rate at or below 65%. To calculate this use this formula: 220 - your age. Then subtract 65 from that number to get your resting heart rate. From there multiple the last number by .65. Once you get the final number add 65 and that's the rate you should stay below.

EX: 220-30=190; 190-65=125(resting heart rate); 125*.65=81.25; 81.25+65=146 (at or below this zone).

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