Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Call Me a Dog....

Unfortunately for many of you right now, your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs. Although I will admit I'm a bit jealous that you are resting and I'm trying to convince my dog he doesn't have to go out and do number one or number 2. Let me remind you that it's 1:09 AM, cold outside, and I have on socks, 3 year old pajama pants (that means they've shrunk so my ankles will be cold), and a triple x shirt from Dick's. I don't want to get up as it is, so I'm definitely not wanting to go get a coat.

But looking at my English bulldog I can't help but to recognize we have two distinct qualities that make us very similar. Well now that I think about it there's actually more than that. If any of you have a pet, whether it's a cat or a dog, I'm sure you share some similar attributes as well.

After finishing some work I realized that I had gone more than 3 hours without putting food in my mouth. So in this fourth hour, my stomach is talking to me and I want to respond back. As I get up to go into the kitchen Sampson decides he wants to wake up. I have no problem with this however I do have a problem with him licking his chops as I make my turkey sandwich on wheat bread with mustard only. Unlike people, dogs aren't concerned with their weight and therefore they eat when they want. Even if it is 1:10 AM, a dog will feed it's body.

By no means am I promoting eating just because or whenever you want. What I am suggesting is we learn from Sampson and understand that our bodies need fuel no matter what time of day or night it is. Unfortunately for him, he didn't eat any of my sandwich but he did eat from his bowl. And now I definitely gotta take him out.

We've been told we can't eat after a certain time but if my dog is willing to eat at anytime of the day and still keep a lean figure (which he is very lean for a bulldog - he eats throughout the day and exercises on a regular basis) then I think I'll do what he's doing.

Sampson is lean, healthy, and farts a lot. Hmm....sounds kind of like me. Sure you can call me a dog. I don't mind at all. Are you willing to erase the idea of not eating past a certain time?

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