Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fire Your Trainer Today...

You hear me correct. I said it and in fact I will stand behind it. Fire your trainer. Your not getting results anyway. The last time you went to weigh in I'm sure you weren't happy with the read out on the scale. And you probably got some line that sounded like this "we'll just up the cardio!"

Who needs all that? All the time and hard work you have put into getting your high school, pre-kids, or pre-30's body back have gone to shame - shame, shame, shame! You already know what's around the corner, New Years. 2009 began with the thought of riding your body of the extra baggage you've been carrying around and now it's December and it's still there. Some trainer you have. Fire your trainer right now and make sure in 2010 you hit your goals by doing it yourself.

Anyone reading this may be wondering, how can he say that? Isn't he a trainer? Your absolutely right I'm a trainer! And the one I'm telling you to fire is (drumroll please) - YOU! That's right, you sitting in your chair reading this post.

You see that voice inside your head that has been telling you all along you can do it has fooled you. Your conscience has been your trainer for the last 20, 30, 0r 40 years. Telling you that you can do it all by yourself. Telling you to eat less when the scales didn't read out a favorable number. Telling you to up the cardio when you didn't lose the 10 pounds in 10 days. That inner voice in your head has been your trainer pumping you with all the wrong information until you had a paradigm shift - I quit! This doesn't work! I'm supposed to be this way! Working out isn't for me!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but none of those statements are true. You may not be seeing the results you want because you haven't fired your trainer yet. You haven't fired you - your conscience that's been telling you what to do. Say this out loud (and I really mean it): "I haven't seen the results I want, therefore I cannot continue to follow your advice." Congratulations you just fired your trainer!

So what's the next step? If you've read any of my posts, you should already know....

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