Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who You Are Isn't Necessarily Who People See You As...

I spent this past weekend inside Walmart in a part of town that I would say isn't the nicest. Although there's the glamour of Cowboys Stadium directly across the street, this isn't enough to do any justice for this particular Walmart.

Before you develop any thoughts as to why I was there for an entire weekend I'll let you in on a secret - I'm a mystery shopper! Ok, I'm really not but I am there doing a marketing promotion with Sony. Despite the lanyard engraved with Sony all over it, my shirt being solid black versus the blue Walmart associates wear, and I'm in black slacks and not khakis people still think I'm a Walmart employee.

"Sir you work here, tell where I can find...." Uh, no I don't work here but because I'm nice, I'll try to help you find.... At least that is what I'm thinking. But the funny thing is, I found myself doing the same as the shoppers. There's this guy that is always in the store walking around on his phone and sometimes in the electronics section playing video games. I would say to myself, "this guy has no life, he's always here." It took someone trying to steal something this past Sunday for me to learn that he's an undercover officer. Shows what I know right?

This ties into fitness in the craziest way. People will often view you as being in shape or out of shape but in your mind you may believe your the total opposite. If you feel you have not reached your fitness goals don't let someone worse off than you tell you how great you look. It will only limit you in your mind and that will translate to your physical self. Only you know how you feel and want to look. Therefore don't let someone's perception of you become your reality.

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