Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's Time!...

We live in a society that is always on the move. No matter what we try to do, there is just never enough free time. Seriously! What is free time and where do you find it? With this mind set it makes it very difficult for someone to commit to something as boring as running on a treadmill. Let's be honest, for most people exercise is boring.

However, there are a handful of people who view exercise as something exciting and challenging. For those that are feeling the monotony of working out, consider group exercise or boot camps to bring a level of excitement to you routine. There's always the group classes at your local gym too.

Now that we're past boredom the next question is when is the best time to workout? This question will yield several different answers depending on who you're asking. Some will tell you mornings and others will say evenings. Then there are those that will say mid-day. Not to mention you will get a plethora of reasons as to why these times are best.

While it has been noted that working out at different times of the day can have different affects on your body, one must choose the time that works best within their schedule. It's difficult enough to commit to working out all together thus complicating the issue does no good. For example, what if I told you working out in the middle of the day was the best you could do for your body to lose fat. How many people are able to arrange their schedules to workout at 3pm?

I can hear the voices now, "I can't workout at 3. I don't have time to, I have to work." This leads me to my main point - it doesn't matter what time you workout so don't ask when the best time is! The biggest hurdle is for you to simply make time in the first place. Once you become an advocate of consistently working out, your body will let you know when it wants to be trained.

Time - I've been told it is a valuable resource. How are you making the most of your time when it comes to your health?

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