Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You're Afraid to Lose Weight....

I'm sold on the idea that fear will warp your perception of your life and what you can do to make it better. It has been said that first we form our habits then our habits form us. I find truth in this statement as well.

With that being said, procrastination is a direct indication of your fears and it gives you the resistance needed expand your capacity to push past your fears and create the things you really want in your life. We are all human and we often reach for comfort and it is automatic that we reach for comfort at the moment we feel we need it. This explains why we procrastinate with things that will give us so much pleasure in the future versus the discomfort of today - getting healthy versus exercise and daily nutrition.

Looking at fear and procrastination from this angle tells me many people will never get the body they want/deserve because your thoughts will ultimately create your actions.

If you disagree, tell me why is it you haven't reached your fitness goals?

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