Tuesday, November 17, 2009

America's Best Fat Burner...

What's the best fat burner? Tell me the best thing I can do to loose fat? What diet will allow me to burn fat? I have the answer but the question is "Do you really want to know?"

Before I answer let me ask this question, "What dictates something being the best?" Is it scientific study, personal preference, or celebrity endorsed? Sadly enough only when something is socially acceptable do we feel confident we have made the right choice. A friend and I once suggested we develop a sugar pill and sell it as new fat burning phenomenon. Obviously we put more thought into it because surely a sugar pill alone won't cut it. We decided we'd add a few ingredients other fat burners had in them and photo shop a few before and after pictures to add to our testimonials. Throw in some marketing dollars and boom - instant success! Oh and we'd sell these pills for $30 knowing a large bag of sugar would allow us to make millions.

However, there's this thing called reality that set in and we scratched that plan. My point is this: there are plenty of companies out there that make millions marketing their fat burners and consumers will continue to throw their money with anticipation of 30lbs lost in 30 days. Our world is one of instant gratification. The old adage, hard work pays off, doesn't mean squat these days. Another friend once said "it's fun getting out of shape, but it sure as hell isn't fun getting in shape!" His reference was to the foods we eat.

So the answer to the original questions are quite simple: your mouth. Once you learn to control what goes in it, there's no need to ever ask or wonder.

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