Friday, November 20, 2009

The Real Reason You Aren't Getting Results...

I'm actually in shock that I have taken the time to put my thoughts on this subject on paper (well, on Microsoft Word to be technical). My position on this is quite simple however it may not be accepted by most - and I'm ok with that.

As frank as I can be, you're not getting results simply because you don't want results. If you disagree for now I can understand but please read on. I was raised on very solid principles and while my mom is a young mother, she was old school. We had a picture frame that was in the living room that housed the Golden Rules of Living. As I think about that old dusty frame, I remember reading "if you can't fix it, call someone who can."

Now consider you fitness progress over the last few months. Has it been at a standstill? Are you frustrated with your scale (and trust me, your scale isn't broke)? Have you changed your routine but still nothing has changed? Let me not forget to ask, have you changed your diet but still haven't made the physical changes you desire? Answering yes to anyone of these questions or any question similar to these confirms that you do not want results.

If we were all living through the Golden Rules of Living we would have stopped and realized that we just can't fix our weight loss dilema on our own. I believe that if you really wanted to make the changes you would make the commitment to bring in professional help. Would you ask the server at McDonald's to perform your annual physical? Didn't think so. That being said, my role as a fitness trainer means I have to be educated and well versed in areas the general public has no clue about. Therefore it offends me when I hear people say "I can do it on my own." If that were 100% true my profession wouldn't exist.

When your employer hired you, at some point you went through a training program. So how would you feel if I went to your work place and sat in your seat and suggested to do your work for you? Initially this may sound good but the catch is this, you will only get paid your salary if I did everything correct and I mean every single thing. We probably wouldn't have an agreement then would we?

If you felt confident I would do a great job you would stop working today and bring me in. But you won't so I'll say this one last time, you're not getting results because you don't want them. If you truly wanted results then you would find someone to fix your problem.

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