Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Training is Insane....Literally!

Have you ever been to a meeting and all you hear is "blah, blah, blah?" To make matters worse, it's a meeting that's held at the end of the day, you know when there's only 10 minutes left on the clock. Seriously, what manager expects their employees to REALLY listen to what's being said.

We have all been in a situation exactly like this or at least very similar. The last time I was, I took away one thing and one thing only from the meeting (or wrap-up as they put it). This one thing was this - "if you do what you have always done, you'll get what you've always got!" Now you've got my attention buddy!

Unfortunately for this manager my attention was not on him and his rambling about how we should be better at our jobs, my focus was on how this relates to fitness. I have had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of people regarding fitness and they all have one thing in common - they do the same things over and over. By definition this is insanity (not that I'm calling these people insane, although technically they are).

Now the purpose of this blog isn't to determine who's a lunatic and who isn't. This post is written with one thing in mind - challenge yourself. Once your progress has neutralized, you have to push harder than you ever imagined. Remember when you first started working out and it was so tough, well if you want progress you must relive those days. This doesn't mean you have to go in the gym and hurt yourself. However, it does mean you have to be willing to push it to the limit. Don't become a victim of doing the same circuits week in and week out. Variation is vital to your success but this does come at the expense of knowing what it is your body needs.

I'll leave you with this: go to the gym and inspect the equipment before you use it. If any of the cushions on the machines appear to have what looks like someone's rear end is embedded in it, it's probably yours. What you do at this point is easy - stop doing the same exercise and try something totally different that works the same muscle group. At this point your sanity is now restored!

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